Fear as a compass

What's kept you from your achieving your career goals?

If you look within, you'll probably find that fear has played a major role.

Strive to be courageous, not fearless—as if fearlessness existed anyway. Being fearless, much like never feeling pain, might sound nice to some, but fear and pain exist for important reasons.

Without pain, we would literally lack the sense to remove our hand from the hot stovetop.

Much in the same way, fear exists as a compass of sorts. The key to knowing which way to go is based on the type of fear. There's real fear that tells us to run from a bear and imagined fear or false evidence appearing real.

In our society, nobody's running from bears.

I've found that the more imagined fear I have about something, the greater the value on the other side of that fear.

But, reading a compass requires a certain level of awareness. Self-awareness in the case of fear.

Fear can be so insidious, acting as a huge magnet throwing off our true north, repressing our dreams, leaving us complacent. Clueless as to where our desired destination even is.

Loss of true north requires recalibration. Get back in touch with what truly matters to you.

It's the human equivalent of turning your phone in figure-eights.

Gabriel Cameron

Brand Strategist + Designer with the soul of a poet. I bet you didn’t even know it.


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