Authentic branding with illustration

Stock photos are a useful resource. They can play an effective role as part of a brand’s visual identity.

But many companies use stock photography in an uninspired, heavy-handed way that projects a lazy, musty, uninterested look and feel.

It’s like the visual equivalent of a dead fish handshake. Seriously, no bueno, friend.

And honestly, this is true even if you’re curating quality stock photos. If it’s the only trick in your brand bag, you’re brand is probably giving off major Dunder Mifflin vibes.

One alternative is illustration:

  • Many modern, tech companies embrace illustration as part of their visual identity.

  • Unlike diverse-coworkers-shaking-hands.jpg—illustration gives off a human-made, authentic feel.

  • Illustration is great for communicating abstract subjects like inner peace.

  • Illustration can pair wonderfully with and enhance photos.

  • Illustration doesn't have to be complex, but it should be authentic to your brand—so don’t just slap some stock illustrations on your site and call it a day.

Gabriel Cameron

Brand Strategist + Designer with the soul of a poet. I bet you didn’t even know it.



The curse of the visionary