11 years

I just saw a post from Richard Branson about it being one year since losing his mom.

First of all, my sincere condolences sir, may you find peace and comfort.

I’m assuming he reads my blog, you know?

Now, to be honest, selfishly, my first thought was “Tsk…wow, he got to have his mom until one year ago!? So unfair.”

I lost my mom eleven years ago, friend.

Before I got married. Before her grandkids were born.

I miss her for every special occasion she’s not here for.

Sometimes I think about a weird melancholic milestone. At some point in the not too far off future, I will have spent more time on earth without her than with her.

And here’s Richard Branson, 70-something, and just lost his mom.

He’ll never pass that melancholic milestone—unless with his billions he figures out immortality.

It doesn’t seem quite fair.

But, c’est la vie.

Honestly, I don’t really believe in life being fair or unfair.

Life just is.

But I’m reminded how short life is and how fast eleven years can pass you by.

That’s probably enough old man philosophizing for one day.

Live out loud.

Gabriel Cameron

Brand Strategist + Designer with the soul of a poet. I bet you didn’t even know it.




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